Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Boys and Business

Mischief 1 and...

Mischief 2 it looks like!! Little A. has started
smiling and responding now, it is a lot of fun to
talk to him and get a reaction.

What are we thinking?!?

A "goo"

and a "coo"

for Daddy....

He doesn't look altogether pleased to see his big brother
possibly because his swing usually stops for some
mysterious reason when he comes around... buttons are so fascinating!

Speaking of big brother he's been getting spoiled
with gifts sent to him along with little A.'s

M nMs sent to him from U. Jon and A. Ruth
were a big hit as they're a favorite of his.
On his first birthday I put some around his cake
and when we put it in front of him he began stuffing them into his mouth
as quickly as possible..forget the cake all he cared for were the m n ms.

Phi having fun opening a very cool fleece fire truck blanket
made by A. Kim Leland.

We've been trying to go walking every day that it's sunny
or mostly sunny... one day we forgot to take the double stroller
out of the car before dad left for work so this was the solution.

Little A. slept cozily the whole time and Phi was very
patient and did not complain.

Little A. still our tiny man at 2 months

Phi snitching a bite of mom's yogurt

Yumm... it takes two hands but we get it there.

Two weeks ago my sister in law Cornelia and I did a real garage sale
and it was a success. We got rid of a lot of stuff plus several dozen cookies.

Her neighbors had a pet turtle out in their yard with them which the kids went over to see.
It was so unusual looking and sort of discounted the reputation of being "slow as a turtle."
It was crawling all over the yard very quickly until they put it in this box to keep track of it.

Phi having fun with cousins Laura and Silvi.

Phi and little A. taking naps in their stroller while cousins
L and S observe.

Who else but Grandpa would think of this??

but that's one thing that makes Gran'pa so fun...

you never know what he'll help you think up next.

Phi on a Sunday in the yard at Gran'pa and Gramma's,
stepping carefully as the unmowed vegetation seemed
pretty tall to him.

Observing the volunteer daisies.

Verse for the day:
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

I believe this includes the every day stuff like finding the wisdom and patience to guide our little ones. To juggle keeping the house in order, making meals on time, and playing with the kids. Cleaning up the toys for the fifth time and smiling about it, being there for your husband at the end of his long day when yours has been about as long, and enjoying it all. Happiness is to know the Saviour!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring Days

About a week ago Phi and I were weeding in the back yard

And he got his first "big" ouchie.
He fell against the small deck we have back there and
poked two of his front teeth into his upper lip.

We came inside for awhile after that and
he ate crushed ice cubes which he thought was
fun since he likes to eat them any way.

It didn't slow him down for long.

He is all better now and getting his first year teeth on the right side.
The top one is finally showing, he's been fussy off and on and I didn't know why
but the reason is now apparent.

A. is now starting to smile, focus and respond a bit.

It's fun to see the boys interact though most of the interaction is on Phi's side so far.

He's started "asking"to "hold" Little A.

And I've let him a few times.

Phi also finds it fun to play this little piggy went to market with A.'s toes.

Little A. doesn't seem to mind and they get along well most of the time.

Phi has started saying a few words at last
along with little A.'s name he now says
Cousin "Laura"'s name with an accent
and instead of NO has started "ung unhh".
Now when ever he's going to do something naughty, usually before the act occurs he'll go "ung unhh" and I know that he's plotting something forbidden and knows he's not supposed to do it. It's been helpful when I can't see him but hear the word and tell him Phi don't do it. He'll come running around the corner looking guilty. Kids are so funny sometimes.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sunny Days

Today is a cloudy rainy day here and I am trying to get some house cleaning done. We have been having a problem with those microscopic Sugar Ants in the kitchen. I think it is because of all the food that ends up on the floor under Phi's chair, but that is not the only place they congregate . I "deep cleaned" the counter tops and then floor yesterday with Lysol and that has seemed to help the problem a little, have to try and keep up on it more often. Today the schedule has "folding the mountain of laundry on the guest bed" and ironing some mandatory items along with baths for the boys and making sure feedings, lunch, and naps stay on track. I have found that it's less overwhelming if I write out a approximate schedule in the morning before getting out of bed as to what project to tackle for the day and when to fit it in among the mandatory things like naps, feedings, lunch and dinner prep. Seems to help me get motivated to get out of bed and start the day instead of laying there overwhelmed by the seemingly endless mound of possibilities. It has helped to get me more on tract with morning readings, as I feel like I have time, (though that shouldn't make a difference) and also with diet and exercise. It would be great to lose 20 pounds in the next two and half months, I guess that's my goal and we'll see if we can do it. After all that here are some pictures of a walk we took with Gramma, A. Sue, A. Deb and Kate on a sunny day last week. All are compliments of A. Deb as I forgot our camera again. Enjoy!

Phi keeping track of cousin Kate. He was having fun peeking at her
and wanted her close, this was his solution.

Who's in my glasses??

Strollering along!

The baby sitters!

He did pretty good about keeping these on until he got bored.

Cousin Kate in her shades

doing her stretches before the walk.

Kate is looking bored or maybe tired.

What are you looking at??

She has two teeth now on the bottom and loves to make growling
noises which sound so cute and funny coming from a little girl.

Verse for the day:
Behold My Servant, whom I uphold; Mine elect, in whom My soul delighteth...
Is. 42 :1

I have had this verse on my mind and finally found it's reference. Over the course of the last few days Sat. night was a Y.P. meeting, Sunday was all day meeting and Mon. night we were invited to supper and a reading at T&H Blakes home. The thought that has stuck with me from it all is how we ought to keep our eyes on HIM and it makes the wiles of the way much let tempting and the enemy get the victory a lot less. "If the eye be single the whole body shall be full of Light".

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring Cleanup

Today was number three in a row of some beautiful sunshiny days. So I decided to have a random yard sale and clean things out of the garage that have been taking up space most of the winter. I only made $25 but that didn't seem bad for not having any signs out and the items that went were some of the bulkier ones. Hooray!! Less clutter and more clean space definitely make for a less cluttered mind and life in my experience. Any way I also have not gotten a chance to blog in a while so this is sort of a catch up of some random pictures from the last few weeks. Enjoy!
Little A being held by Beth, Lily's daughter.

We enjoyed BC conference very much though I was a little busier then I in the past! :0) With help from family all went well. We enjoyed Chatty and the Mr.'s hospitality the last night and on Monday. It was fun to spend the last night and following morning with them after the busy days of conference. The guys relaxed in the usual way, a bit of competition on the Ex box.
Phi doesn't look so sure about this. He found plenty of things to do and had fun with Chatty snitching grapes ( a favorite of his) from the breakfast salad she was making and meeting Thumper (not so sure about him) . Chatty kept him busy while I got our things all packed which was a great help to a busy Mom.
Phi also enjoyed the piano. He has fun with them as Gran'pa and Gramma have one too. He tries to help A. Sue play theirs by pushing the peddles for her! :) He's been learning a lot new things, so much comes so quickly now it's hard to remember to write things on the calendar I keep as a marker of their accomplishments. He is not very social as far as words go and only says Little A.'s name so far along with momma and dadda. These are still used at random. He likes to make people laugh with his cheesy grin that he does and that is his way of interacting I
This picture is more of his giggle which is fun to hear and comes readily with a tickle, a game of peek a boo or this little piggy went to market. He love that one and starts laughing on the first toe in anticipation of the end. He still loves food but has gotten a little pickier, he likes to try using a spoon now though most of it still gets to his mouth via his fingers. He likes ice chips, (this came in handy when he banged his mouth) beans/chili, and most fruits and is always ready with a reach of his hand in your direction and an "uuggh" to share what ever desert your eating or pretty much any food for that matter. He's mastered a cup as long as it's not too full and thinks that is fun stuff.

He likes shoes mostly if they're about three times his size, more often just to drag around the house and leave in random spots than to actually wear them. This makes for some fun moments when it comes time to go places, (where did I put my shoes??)

He enjoys the out of doors now that he's old enough to explore them on his own and it's warm enough to do so. Sticks, rocks, dirt, and water, be it puddles or other wise are all things of great attraction to small men, and he is no exception.
Thankfully he is mostly past putting things into his mouth although the occasional rock finds it's way there. Dirt clumps used to be the morsels of choice when we would work in the garden but now they are just great for destroying with a small shovel.

He's gotten a few bumps and bruises but keeps on in spite of them. He fell and put two of his upper teeth into the back of his lip for the first time a day or so ago his first "big" ouchie. It hasn't slowed him down much. He's so busy and goes around in such a hurry he is always falling and bonking something. This post is turning into a journal of the stage he's at now, read on if you care to... :)

He is not potty trained but we have tried on occasion ever since 10 months.

"I'm bored here Mom, can we be done yet"

Oops! our wagon shrunk!
He enjoyed this ride but his usual preferred mode of travel is standing, hence more bumps and bruises. Will you not learn child?! He seems to like to be taller and any box, book, toy, item that will make him so is happily turn over and climbed on. He is starting to copy what he sees or hears others does but still no words.

Little A is our man of many expressions, we'll let some pictures tell the story.

"If you say so"

" Speak up I can't hear you'

"Oh my what shall we do"

"I'm a thankful man"

He has been having more tummy troubles of late but other wise is filling out and getting bigger every day. He likes to stand but not quite as much as his brother did at his age. Hopefully this means he won't be attempting to walk (w/ help) at 3 months. He is very snuggly and likes to be wrapped up tight "like a little burrito" as A. Sue put it. He has still been giving us at least 4 hours at night which is very kind. When he does have tummy troubles we use Gripe Water by Baby Bliss and it seems to help him a lot. It's great stuff!

"The Thinker"

He's gotten much more alert lately and started focusing on people, voices and noise. It will be fun when he actually starts responding! He looks to be pondering every thing now.

He fits in a 7 quart bowl!!

This guy used to, yikes! where does the time go!

Verse of the day:
Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it. Prov 22:6