Finally some pictures from the last time the camera batteries worked. Twas' the the weekend before Thanksgiving actually, and we got to enjoy it at Chatty and the Mr.'s place. We arrived Friday evening just before this storm hit and woke up to this in the morning. The little men were quite worried that our van windows were covered. "How are we going to see out!?! We will have to clean them off." -Phi

Even the covered porch was "covered" in snow because of the wind.

This one's compliments of Chatty who grab my camera at just the right moment! :)

They were quite amazed and excited as it's the first snow most of them have any memory of except Phi.

Once the proper attire was found they had a blast.

Jeffy was not so sure of it, being it was at least 4-6 inches in most places and deeper were it drifted. After falling over several times he was ready to be done with it.

The guys chatting it up on the porch. (Do guys chat or would that be jabbering?? Discussing, discussing, that's it!) :) The sunshine was lovely here but once we got into town it was too chilly to enjoy much out of doors.

Phi was litterly rolling in the stuff as though he were in the sand at the beach or something.

Chatty got out some beach toys and the boys loved it. We headed for home Sunday with just a dusting farther South but more falling as we drove, later in the day.

At some point that week we were home and got this light dusting of our own to enjoy, much to the small men's delight.

They made this arrangement themselves, always gotta' have some challenge.

Half a week home and then we were off to Kate n Taeo's house for Thanksgiving and more snow. Somehow I managed to get all snow pic's and no indoor scenes. But, this I once again blame on my batteries which dejuiced this first day and I never took the time/ had the energy to get new ones the rest the weekend.
So here's Taeo thinking it looks like a lot of fun out there!!!

They were following Grampa's trails in the park, then Phi decided to head out as the "snowplow."

It was quite deep were it drifted and soo cold that it didn't pack real well.

"This stuff is overrated Mom, Can I go back in yet?!"

It was nap time and he was so snuggled up in his snow clothes that he nearly went to sleep before we got him out here. Jeffy had decided he'd had enough snow the last weekend and wouldn't go out in it without a fuss.

Shovels and a truck kept them busy for a while till the big people came out and built a sled trail.

Thankfully in all our travels the Lord graciously gave us good roads as we do not have a 4x4.

So that's been our snow thus far this season, though Phi keeps hoping for more around our house. And I wouldn't mind it either now that we're home safe and sound! :)
PS: The lovely new format is thanks to Mr Tech. I'm so dense right now that it took him looking at it to realize that the previous background had expired and that's why there was an annoying box in the middle of the screen when you tried to read it!!! :)