My little man is growing big too fast! Last week he found out he could climb up on a chair all by him self. Now nothing is safe from small hands any more. He can also reach the edge of the counter tops. Our micro wave sits close to the edge of the counter, and I left the door open as I hurriedly turned my back to stir something I hear SLAM! and turn to find him grinning proudly at me. He is very observant and loves to be "grown up". When I have him get things for me or he obeys i.e. knows he's done something good, he'll swing his arm as he struts along looking like he feels all grown up. He still isn't making to much head way with the talking though he does communicate in his own way, with sounds, expressions, and finger pointing. When we were doing pictures at A. Jenn's he learned "bubble" and also attempted "Gramma" the other day which sounded like "amma". He is very much a perfectionist, when I tell him to put something back that he's gotten into or destroyed, he likes to do it ( if he's obeying) as perfectly as he can how it was. The other day it was the dirty clothes hamper, it was empty (thankfully) but the lid comes off and he loves to dump it over. I told him to set it back up were he got it as I turned to do something else, thinking he would at least set it back up. He did, but he set it back up ...with the lid on... exactly where it had been. I guess I under estimate his abilities. He also has enjoyed helping pick things up or put things in the garbage, or laundry hamper, a big help. He loves to open drawers also and I caught him putting the clean laundry from mommy's drawer straight back in the hamper...not so helpful.:D His favorite gabber expression is "WA BA" I've yet to understand it's meaning, he always says it sort of like a question. His sleep schedule is great for mommy (if I could motivate my self) he usually sleep in till at least 10:00 am. My house could be spotless but I guess that's usually when Leroy gets attention one on one. He loves dirt (as you can see) and puddles (what little guy doesn't) or water so long as it's not bath time. Though climbing in and out of the bath tub is fun so long as there's no water in side. And brooms and push vacuums are great sources of entertainment these days, if only this fascination would stick around till it'd be useful!! :D
Leroy seems to be more of a people person than I remember Phi being at his age. He will offer a smile to almost anyone with alittle coaxing. He slept through the night of his own accord the last three nights. This is great for mommy except of course I kept waking up every three hours, think he would be soon too. I could get use to it I think! :) He's started wanting more attention which takes patience when I have a project in mind. I have to remind myself he'll only be this little once enjoy...He's three months old already, weighs some where around 12 pounds and is growing like a weed. I'm trying to sort through my boys clothes to keep up with him. He's in 3-6 but fits some 6 months already. I guess thats about on target as I know a certain little girl that's only 7 1/2 months but already fits 18-24 months sizes because of her long arms and legs. She's a dolly!!
Verse for the day:
That ye might walk worthy of the Lord, unto all pleasing,
and increasing in the knowledge of HIM...
That ye might walk worthy of the Lord, unto all pleasing,
and increasing in the knowledge of HIM...
The photo of Leroy is just so so adorable. I miss you guys! When are we due for our next visit (either way?)
I KNOW - they both are growing up so fast! That is so nice that Phi is your little helper - I'm sure it helps out a lot when you're busy with Aaron. Oh, and Yay for Aaron on sleeping through the night! :)
I'm so glad Leroy is sleeping through the night for you!(at least three nights anyway, hopefully he'll keep it up for you). I'm looking forward to that with baby#3! Right now we're getting a four hour stretch, which is an improvement on 3 hour stretches.
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