Monday, June 9, 2008

A visit to the Sunshine Farm

Since we were in the area Saturday evening we dropped in to see some friends who have a bit of acreage in the country. They have made it into quite the little farm and it was a lot of fun to see all the ducks and chickens and especially the baby chicks. They recently got 36 new ones who will be egg layers this fall. The kids each have some of their own to care for it was fun to see each of their little flocks.

"Sam" the farm patriarch.
He's awful pretty for a guy.

Phi was very unsure about the chickens as he's in a stage where most living creatures do not appeal to him. I;m hoping he grows out of it cause Mom really likes them. He does observe and jabber from a distance.

H. and a pet hen.

Some of the youngest chicks.

And these were the teenagers.

S. with his favorite one.

S. helping M. get his boots on after a jump on the trampoline.

It was pretty chilly out side for a June evening so we adjourned in doors for a fun and encouraging visit. H. baby sat a bit for a while well we were visiting and found that Leroy enjoyed riding in the little doll carriage.

Must of felt cozy by the looks of it.

Phi decided giving his brother a ride looked like a fun idea and did so until we put a stop to it.

Leroy didn't seem to mind.
Phi and M. had a fun evening together as they're close in age so got to try out their sharing skills together. They got along very well together and took turns finding the noise making toys and seeing how many times they could push the buttons before we went crazy. It was a fun and relaxing time. Thank you to each of you!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I read your title, and was thinking "Sunshine where's that?" Then it clicked! Good name! :) It looks like you have a very nice time - it's always so relaxing to be at their house.