Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Story Time with Daddy

A favorite pass time of Phi's these days, Leroy joined for this one.

Love Leroy's expression.

Mr. Tech had the car all day today but this evening we made a quick trip to Balboa Pier. I never would have found it if Patty R. who grew up in the area hadn't told me about. We were there after dark so no pix, but lots of people of a different nationality were fishing off the end of the pier. They were having great success and I guess maybe to keep the fish fresh longer with out ice were pulling them off the hook and throwing them in bags or coolers were you could hear them flopping around for some time. A few had even caught what looked to be baby sharks?? What ever they were the fisher men didn't seem to like them and kept them flopping on the pier, as we walked by one flopped out from under a bench and the lady kicked it back under. It looks like it will be a fun beach to visit in the day time if things work out.


Unknown said...

You must be close by, if you're going to Balboa! I work in Irvine! If you have a car to use...you should take the kiddos to Huntington...it's huge...plenty of room to run and play...and just up PCH a bit! Going to the beach in Newport is nice too, but if you go near the River Jetties, the current can be dangerous for little ones, if they plan on going in the water. Enjoy the sunshine...it's been so warm lately!!

~Amanda Wilhelm (Grebe)

NaomiG said...

Awww, those pics are precious... I love being far away enough from my family to just watch them... It seems sometimes like whining and the needs commence the minute I enter the scene, but with Daddy they're always perfectly content... why is that?! :-)

The Chatty Housewife said...

I bet the baby sharks were dogfish! I guess they are a pain here too but Sallad once caught one and I thought it was the coolest thing.

Sjo said...

Thanks Amanda for the tips, Mr. Tech is going to school in Irvine until friday!

Yes, the sight of mommy persons does seem to bring out needs some how.

Chatty- a dog fish sounds possible these were a brown color with dark brown spots and all the fins of a little shark but only about a foot or a little more long.