We've been sticking close to home these last few weeks, with the other two pregnancies I think we were still traveling at 37 weeks but this one has been so different in a lot of ways that I've become a homebody. The repercussions of that, much to Mr. Tech's dismay, is that I think up projects to do around here. This may also have something to do with that urge they call nesting, what ever it is it's been fun to see some improvements small though they be. This first one Mr. Tech helped with since it's was a bit out of my expertise, new lights in the kitchen!
Before... (and in progress)
I never did like the "chandelier" in the dining room as it wasn't centered with anything properly anyways, nor the cheesy gold fixtures in the kitchen. These lights finally "go" IMHO so I was excited to see this one done!
Before... (and in progress)
This next project was not in the plans but would have had to be done someday. The person who owned this house before us must have been some what of a do-it-yourselfer and was rather creative with some of his projects. One of them being that several inside door knobs have outdoor knobs on them with key locks to which the keys are long gone. If you have a two year old you may be able to see were this story is going.
This two year old ...
This two year old ...
Mr. Tech says I always get the urge to repaint some room not too long before the baby comes and there is some truth to this. With Phi is was the kitchen and with Leroy the bathroom, this time it was the livingroom's turn. I painted it a year or two ago but it was time for a change, it started with a border (it usually does) that I liked and got on sale.
The old color on the left and new on the right.
Leroy snickering on the swings...
Phi loves to play in "da bubbows" and begins dragging the nearest chair in that direction as soon as he hears the dishes being done.
He finally started walking (when he feels like it) this last weekend. He also learned to drink from a straw...
Oh man... glad one of the kiddos wasn't in the bathroom when the door was locked!! Glad you're feeling well enough to get some stuff done around the house right now... I think God gave us nesting at that stage of pregnancy to keep us from going crazy while we wait. :-)
Wow I can't believe you at 38 weeks already (don't ya love it when people say that Ü). Your little men are getting big! And your house changes look amazing - it's so fun to get projects done!
Special moments with two special little men. It is so fun when they figure out a straw for the first time, usually on accident. The improvements look great--all things, big or little, make a place YOURS! Craigslist the mattress for free, I am sure you'll get responses, that is if you just want to get rid of it. Will be praying for your little one and his/her birth--and you too, of course!
Naomi- Very true about nesting, if not for doing things I would be going crazy.
Thanks Glenda and Amy for your comments, it does seem like the times gone fast and in other ways sooo slow. As someone said recently the last two weeks seem more like two years.
Craigs list would be a good idea it's worked well in the past.
Fun to see your home improvments. They look great! I am still waiting, as far as what I should do or not do with the whole not knowing when we may or may not move. There are so many things I would love to get started on while I have the time and energy.
The pic of Leroy with his straw is too cute! :)
Nice lighting changes, new lights make a big difference. We have the same lock issues here. Ezra locked himself in the bathroom a few months ago and I ended up having to kick the door in. Not as easy as they make it look in the movies, I might add. I'm glad that you have new handles!
Double beds have never bothered me, but The Mr. will be happy to hear the good news about the addition of a queen size bed to the spare room.
We can't wait to see your new little one and hope to come visit some time after the arrival. Hopefully after you are rested and before all that cuddly soft squishy newborn-ness has rubbed off. Or most likely you guys will end up coming here, it often seems to work out that way!
I love the new kitchen lights, they really help balance the area instead of having all the random lights that were all different shapes and sizes. I love the change of color in the living room, much warmer!
Deb- Having a new space to decorate will be fun. If you paint try Walmart's ColorPlace brand as it doesn't have the strong paint smell and so far has worked great as to color tones and coverage for me. It's cheap too.
Brooke- That would have been crazy if one of them was locked in side. Kicking a door in does not sound easy!
Chatty- Sounds like fun either way, we definitely missed seeing everyone up there at conference time, though it sounded like everyone probably kept pretty busy. That was my issue with the old living room color is it seemed so cold.
Oi, parabéns pelo excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer um pouco sobre o Brasil. Abração
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